How to Start Vaping: Guide to Finding the Perfect Nicotine Level
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How to Start Vaping: Guide to Finding the Perfect Nicotine Level

3 Unique Methods For Determining Your Exact E-Liquid Level When you’re new to vaping, getting the right e-liquid level is one of the biggest hurdles you will face. Because vaping's not all that similar to regular smoking, and because nicotine is mentioned in concentration, learning what you need is a constant battle—especially at the start. Here, we’ll give you 3 methods to help you determine exactly what e-liquid level you should choose. Unique Method #1: Body Size Base The first method in store is one that's related to your body size. Nicotine levels are static, but body sizes range from extremely tiny (i.e under 120 pounds) to huge (think football linebacker, 300 pounds and six feet of pure muscle). Because of the range in body size, a light concentration of 6 mg nicotine could effect a smaller person more dramatically than it would a large person. Therefore, it'd be wise to weigh yourself and take a quick look at your height and body type. The larger and more dense you are, the more likely you’ll want a higher nicotine concentration in your e-liquid. Conversely, the tinier you are, the more likely you're to want a lower level in your e-juice. Unique Method #2: Past Smokers Unite We all know that smokers love their nicotine. Lots of smokers switch to vaping to either stop the smoking habit or to simply make it healthier. Therefore, those who have smoked before will have a higher tolerance to the nicotine levels in the e-liquid. If you’re a past smoker, you’re probably going to want to start with a higher level than a non-smoker would. Regardless of past vaping experience, you should know that if you've been a regular smoker, you'll prefer a higher e-liquid level. Unique Method #3: Device Check The last method depends on you taking a careful look at your device. The device you use will be a factor in determining what level of e-liquid you use. For instance, an e-cigarette can be used for both low and high levels, as both smokers (who prefer high levels) and entry-level vapers (who generally prefer lower levels) enjoy using this type of device. Vaporizers and vape pens generally trend higher, with users mostly using regular or high levels due to the decent pulling power of them. However, if you're using a MOD, it'd be wise to not use a high level. Since MODs are meant to create huge clouds of vapor, the amount of e-liquid used per pull is off the charts. Because of this, vapers get far more nicotine into their systems than with other devices. Therefore, modders will generally stick with lower e-liquid levels in order to compensate for how much they're using. These three unique checks and methods will ensure that you pick the correct e-liquid level. In doing so, you’ll be sure to make your vaping experience as pleasant and customized as possible.