
Vape Craft LLC - An E-Liquid and CBD Manufacturing company founded in January of 2013. Vape Craft LLC formerly known as Alternate Cig is making a name for itself in the vaping industry by providing e-liquid of the highest quality at rock bottom prices while winning over the hearts of customers with stellar customer service. As of 2019 we have become a top CBD wholesale and distribution company providing the best CBD products in America. Our experience making high quality vape juice has seemlessly transitioned into the CBD industry in making the best CBD Vape Juice for shops all over North America

We help vaping enthusiast, connoisseurs, and ex-smokers-a-like experience superior, exquisite mouth-watering flavors for your taste buds to soak up, blow thick puffy-white clouds of vapor, and satisfy your nicotine cravings... even if you're still dead set on the idea that smoking is a better overall solution.

Vape Craft LLC has become a recognized supplier of E-Liquid and vape products. Our company believes E-Liquid currently sold on the market is too expensive and thus we sell E-Liquid at huge discounts. Our e juice is one thing that keeps are customers excited and coming back for more. With 100% USA made smoke juice and seasonal flavors, there is no need to search any further for quality and consistency. We like to spice it up every couple of months by presenting our customers with a brand new unique vape flavor that has never been seen at our site before. If we get good reviews on it we will add the flavor to our main list so it can be bought as pleased.

Our goal is to provide some of the best e-liquid on the market at ass-kicking prices and through this process, make a positive impact on you and the people who our message reaches. What is our message you may ask? What do we stand for? We want the Vape Craft name and logo to be a reminder to share your vaping stories with the world; to share how vaping has made an impact on your life. If we can help spread your story we have achieved our goal. If our delicious fat-cloud producing, mind-boggling e-liquid helps just one person, we prevail. Vape Craft LLC promotes a lifestyle.

Infusing Culture, Passion, and Inspiration into delicious e-liquids.